Call Detail Records

Call Detail Records (CDRs) are detailed information on the calls. Use the fields to filter the information for the specific call records that are desired. Records in the call list can be saved locally using the Export button.

  • CID Name Caller ID Name

  • Source Where the call came from

  • Destination Where the call went to

  • Recording A link will appear if the call recorded

  • Start Time the call entered the system

  • TTA Time To Answer the call

  • Duration How long the call was

  • PDD Post Dial Delay

  • MOS Mean Opinion Score is a measure of voice call quality

  • Hangup Cause Details about the entire calls. Usually will be “Normal Clearing”

Call Detail Records are detailed information on the calls. The information contains source, destination, duration, and other useful call details. Use the fields to filter the information for the specific call records that are desired. Then view the calls in the list or download them as comma seperated file by using the CSV button.

Note that this page makes use of XML CDR for reporting.

Post Dial Delay (PDD)

Post Dial Delay (PDD) is experienced by the sender as the time from the sending of the final dialed digit to the point at which the sender hears ring tone or other in-band information. In other words, the PDD would be the time from when the sender sends the INVITE to receiving the first ringing response.

That said, PDD does not take into account the time it takes the receiver to hear the call coming in due to the various factors on how they are setup for inbound calls. For example, call forwarding may affect the time it takes the receiver to know that someone is calling because of call forwarding. The sender might hear a ring tone almost instantly from the time it dials the final digit because they sent out an INVITE, but the receiver of the call might have setup inbound calls to be forwarded to their cell phone, in which now the call must travel through their phone system, to their phone system’s gateway carrier to deliver the sender’s call to the receiver’s cell phone carrier network in order for the cell phone carrier to deliver the sender’s call to the receiver’s cell phone.


Any calls which have the entry in the name column underlined (ie. the name is a link) have a recording available. Clicking on the name will playback the recording in a new window. In such cases the number entry will also be a link - clicking on this link will download the recording to your computer as a wav file.

Possible issues

No records showing up under Apps-Call Detail Records

Possible causes:

1. The module is disabled

  • Make sure the XML CDR module is enabled and running in the Menu -> Advanced -> Modules.

2. Save to XML Files

Save the CDR files to the file system and then use a cron job to load them once a minute into the database.

Edit the /etc/freeswitch/xml_cdr.conf.xml config Easiest command line file edito is called nano

nano /etc/freeswitch/xml_cdr.conf.xml config

Comment out this line by adding <!– and –>. Make sure to do this carefully.

<!– <param name=”url” value=””/> –>

Run this command one time to add the import command to crontab.

(crontab -l; echo “* * * * * $(which php) /var/www/fusionpbx/app/xml_cdr/xml_cdr_import.php 300”) | crontab

Once you’ve made these changes you can save the file. You could restart your server, or you could reloadxml and then restart the xml_cdr module. Either is ok, it is up to you. Then your changes will have taken effect and you should no longer lose your menu bar when looking at CDR information.

fs_cli -x ‘reloadxml’

fs_cli -x ‘reload mod_xml_cdr’

XML CDR configuration

For more detailed configuration go to the XML editor (Menu -> Advanced -> XML Editor) and in autoload configs look at xml_cdr.conf.xml


By default only the a-leg of the call is logged therefore if you make a recording of the b-leg you won’t be able to retrieve it using the Call Detail Records. If you want the b-leg as well you need to change log-b-leg=true in this config and in the default settings.

Harddrive space usage

Recordings also take up space and may be manually deleted if you want the space back these are kept in (source install) /usr/local/freeswitch/recordings/{Domian_Name}/archive or (package install) /var/lib/freeswitch/recordings/{Domain Name}/archive and inside that by year, month and day.

CDR Default Settings